Category Archives: Development

Clinic Buildout

One of the specific requests from the leadership of the Quiche tribe we work with was for a hospital. We all agreed to start with a clinic. Basic healthcare services are severely lacking in Guatemala. Many doctors at the national hospitals are still trying to get their 2014 wages.  One hospital organized their employees to bring in food for the patients. The most basic services are desperately needed.

This building is being converted to a sun filled clinic.
This building is being converted to a sun filled clinic.

An existing building on the school campus is undergoing extensive renovation on it’s way to becoming a functional clinic. This will be staffed for limited days by volunteer doctors and nurses from local churches until the full schedule and expanded slate of services is  developed.

A team from DeMotte, IN has replaced the roof with a clear story design that allows light to flow into the interior rooms. This January 2017 this same team will return to add a waiting room.

Help cover renovation costs.


Update: 12:30 pm Finishing up now. Work completed! The deck (25 x 9 meters) is poured.  View the archive (available for a few days).  Join in


Update: 11am  About 75% of the job is complete.


Update: 7:30am   75/350 bags have been mixed. The present crew  of 85 persons (all ages) has paused for a breakfast break and now work has resumed. Join in


Begin Original post: On Sunday, March 6th you will have the opportunity to see a motivated Mayan community literally build their own school.

Work will begin at 5AM MT and continue until the entire second floor deck is poured. That is about 43 bags of concrete per hour; more than 350 in all will be mixed then lifted into place via a good old fashioned bucket brigade.

Watch the live and  archived video here. 

Watch hundreds of members of this unified church move closer to their goal to one day have a completed school. This is community in action. Take a minute to tune in and see this heartwarming site.

More about the project here .

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